Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get involved!

When the usual person throws something on the ground it does not think of the follow ups. We pay no attention to it what so ever and carry on with our lives.But as unsignificant as this gesture can seem,it catches up on people. Pollution makes sure that the world has its “downs” along with its “ups”.The earth as we know it is changing and it does not look very bright. When asked, a simple citizen either does not pay attention to these sort of problems or is not interested in the matter, thinking that this does not harm them. One can not be more wrong. Our bodies are vulnerable to the pollution in the air, to the lack of trees, etc. People become sick and do not understand why.. So, we bring awareness to you, readers, who now are sitting at home: Get involved!Even the slightest gesture can make a difference. Genetics may load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger.

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