Monday, January 30, 2012

Making of

In Cismigiu, a park of Bukarest, in the courious look of the passers, we managed to concentrate and follow our plan despite the low temperature and our innocence. Dead with cold, red in the cheeks , without feeling our hands and legs, but always smiling and laughing we succeed to do a wonderful work with the movie, even better than we thought.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


In the last weeks of November a bunch of teenagers gathered together on a Saturday at school. I was among those who decided, that our beloved home, our earth, needs our support. We were just about 8 kids. We had no high expectations, we barely knew where to start from. Plans had to be done, ideas had to be discussed, the project had to start. Firstly we had to decide which problem in Bucharest was the most important. After voting our own ideas we came out with questions for our citizens. Do they know what our earth is going through? Have they any idea about the attitude we have to adopt in order to make a change? And most of all, are they willing to help us? Throughout the weeks, our group of about 8 people increased to almost 20 little ecologists. Each of us thought about questions we could ask people. Out of more than 50 questions we carefully picked up about 15. Then we all asked our families, our friends, or just strangers from the street what their knowledge about ecology is. Honestly I was surprised to find out that people in our city are aware of the damage they are causing to the environment, and have already started to take measures. After statistics had been made we started to think about ways we could promote our project. So with the help of my very talented friends and project-members and with the support of our head- teacher  we worked together on a little movie, persuading people to live a healthy, natural life. Though filming in high snow on a windy day was rather painful, we had loads of fun. And we skipped school to do that, which added a bonus of joy. All in all the little film we made turned out to be great, and we gained a lot of joyful, beautiful memories. While we were working on this film, a friend of mine came with the idea of the “ Didn’t think so campaign”. I was so thrilled with the idea, I couldn’t wait to promote it. And so with the help of another great member of our team we built up this “green” blog where we can promote the things we believe in and where we can motivate people to save the world. Until now, the project goes far better than expected, and we are working on more surprises. Great specialists in this ecological life will visit us this week and we are eager to welcome them and learn new working tricks from them. This project means  team-work, responsibilities, expectations to all of us, but most of all it means fun. Because that’s what’s important, right?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get involved!

When the usual person throws something on the ground it does not think of the follow ups. We pay no attention to it what so ever and carry on with our lives.But as unsignificant as this gesture can seem,it catches up on people. Pollution makes sure that the world has its “downs” along with its “ups”.The earth as we know it is changing and it does not look very bright. When asked, a simple citizen either does not pay attention to these sort of problems or is not interested in the matter, thinking that this does not harm them. One can not be more wrong. Our bodies are vulnerable to the pollution in the air, to the lack of trees, etc. People become sick and do not understand why.. So, we bring awareness to you, readers, who now are sitting at home: Get involved!Even the slightest gesture can make a difference. Genetics may load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger.